
Nacho Cheese Sausage Rolls: A Fusion Fiesta!

Hello, food lovers! Are you ready to spice up your snack time with a mouth-watering recipe that's sure to be a crowd-pleaser? Get your aprons ready for these scrumptious Nacho Cheese Sausage Rolls! Combining the zest of Mexican flavors with the comfort of a classic sausage roll, this recipe is perfect for parties, picnics, or just a fun family dinner.

Join us for a flavourful adventure that marries the heartiness of sausage rolls with the bold zest of nacho cheese! This oneā€™s a real fan-favourite, transforming traditional party food into a uniquely vibrant and mouth-watering treat. Perfect for gatherings or a family snack, these cheesy sausage rolls are a fiesta of tastes that add bitefulls of excitement to your mealtime repertoire.

Dive into the spirit of culinary innovation with a dish that’s as fun to make as it is to eat! Our nacho cheese sausage rolls recipe is a celebration of textures and flavours, combining the juicy, savoury sausage with the creamy, spicy kick of nacho cheese, all wrapped in a golden, flaky pastry. Ideal for any occasion that calls for a dash of flair, these sausage rolls are a surefire way to bring people together, sparking joy and conversation with every delicious mouthful.

The Nacho Cheese Sausage Rolls recipe is a creative twist on traditional sausage rolls, infusing them with bold Mexican flavours. This fusion dish includes beef sausages, red onion, pizza cheese, black beans, and taco seasoning, all wrapped in flaky puff pastry. It’s a perfect party snack that’s sure to delight your guests with its unique flavour profile and satisfying texture.

Yields4 Servings
Prep Time20 minsCook Time25 minsTotal Time45 mins

 500 g beef sausages, skinless
 1 diced red onion
 2 cups grated pizza cheese
 1 can drained black beans
 1 packet taco seasoning
 1 cup breadcrumbs
 5 Puff pastry sheets
 1 egg
 Smoked paprika


Start by removing the skins from your sausages.
In a bowl, combine the sausage meat, diced onion, 1 cup of cheese, black beans, taco seasoning, and breadcrumbs. Mix well.


Cut each puff pastry sheet in half.
Place a sausage-sized amount of the mixture down the center of each pastry half.


Sprinkle some extra cheese on top.
Roll them up and seal the edges.
Brush the tops with a whisked egg and a sprinkle of smoked paprika.


Bake in a preheated oven at 200Ā°C for 25 minutes or until golden brown.
Enjoy them hot with your favorite salsa!

Cheese Sausage Rolls


 500 g beef sausages, skinless
 1 diced red onion
 2 cups grated pizza cheese
 1 can drained black beans
 1 packet taco seasoning
 1 cup breadcrumbs
 5 Puff pastry sheets
 1 egg
 Smoked paprika



Start by removing the skins from your sausages.
In a bowl, combine the sausage meat, diced onion, 1 cup of cheese, black beans, taco seasoning, and breadcrumbs. Mix well.


Cut each puff pastry sheet in half.
Place a sausage-sized amount of the mixture down the center of each pastry half.


Sprinkle some extra cheese on top.
Roll them up and seal the edges.
Brush the tops with a whisked egg and a sprinkle of smoked paprika.


Bake in a preheated oven at 200Ā°C for 25 minutes or until golden brown.
Enjoy them hot with your favorite salsa!

Cheese Sausage Rolls

Nacho Cheese Sausage Rolls: A Fusion Fiesta!


Not only are these Nacho Cheese Sausage Rolls delicious, but they’re also a fun way to bring a little fiesta into your kitchen! Whether you’re hosting a game night, a family gathering, or simply treating yourself, these rolls are a guaranteed hit. Plus, they’re a great way to get creative and play with flavors.

Remember, cooking is not just about following a recipe; it’s about making it your own. So, donā€™t hesitate to add your twist to these rolls. Maybe a hint of cilantro or a dash of hot sauce for an extra kick? The possibilities are endless! Happy cooking, and enjoy your culinary adventure with these tasty, fusion-inspired sausage rolls!

Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely! Substitute the beef sausages with a plant-based alternative or a mix of more beans and veggies.
You can keep them in the fridge for up to 3 days, or freeze them for longer storage.
Of course! Feel free to experiment with cheddar, mozzarella, or even a spicy pepper jack to vary the flavors. longer storage.